Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Bubba Baloos

What a name for a kid's play place! Anyways, yesterday was cheap day...I like cheap days! $2 to go play in balls, tunnels, slides and stare at beautiful flashing lights and obnoxious sounds of the arcades. Its almost more than a kid can handle! After pulling Meshach away from trying to climb into one of the arcade games and coaxing him into the pen of balls here are some of the pics I got. He was running around so fast it was hard to keep up, get a picture and not smash my camera against the colorful plastic.
Ball pen was definitely a fav. He liked burying himself then popping back up again.
Oh ya, did I mention this was a play date? Here is Meshach playing with Marie (12 mos). There were a few moments when chaos slowed down and Leanne and I could chat but these moments were pretty sporadic.
Such a brave little tyke. He was climbing up and through and sliding down things! It was amazing. Definitely a natural! Although the mesh tubes 15 ft in the air made him a little nervous. Especially since it moves and he got his hand caught in the mesh. All in all it was a fun day...complete with McDonald's nuggets and fries at the end (ugh! The things you eat for your kids...or is that let your kids eat?).

Monday, February 26, 2007

So you know how they say children learn by example...I'm afraid my sister's dog has taught Meshach some, um...interesting tricks. The dog, nicknamed "ditsy", has been taught to spin whenever she wants a treat. Well, I found Meshach spinning desperately in front of the fridge today. I'm not really sure what to think of this other than to laugh my head off!

A trekking we will go...

Juanita, Meshach and I went snowshoeing the other day. It was so much fun! There would have been more pictures but it was getting dark and my batteries died. So here we are before it got dark. Definitely a good work out with a kid on your back! I was thankful for finding some skidoo tracks. The snow was pretty deep. Even with showshoes I was sinking almost to my knees (I'm sure having a Meshach laden backpack contributed as well).

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Of Mice and Paint

So for those of you who have been asking of my recent paintings here are those that are finished. And for those of you who have come to be entertained here's a little story for you:
Lately I had been quite pleasantly surprised at how easily the car had been starting in -15 weather (I have a diesel for those who didn't know). Well yesterday I found out why. I had opened the hood to check the oil and lo and behold I found the engine to be nicely insulated by a rather large mouse's nest...I was wondering where my scarf went and how my toque had gotten a hole in it. And I blamed it on poor craftsmanship! I'm not sure if I brought the mice with me from Nordegg or if Prince George is infested as well. Fortunately I didn't find any mice while I was clearing out fist fulls of my late scarf.

Lighthouse in Newfoundland

(also in oil)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Photo Essay "cookies"

Although Valentines Day has come and gone I thought I would add this little Valentines adventure. Yes, cookie making! A dangerous undertaking with a not quite 11/2 year old, and....icing. Oh the ups and downs of sugar highs. So on we go with our tale.
Like most heroic endeavours, it began with an idea..."hey, lets make some Valentines cookies" thought the over ambitious mother of an over energetic little boy. He thought it was a good idea too. Really who can blame him. The combination of getting really messy, playing in dough and eating sugar is too much of a temptation for a little kid. There really is no question here.
Being a of the fairly creative sort (and needing a little water to tone down the sugar intake) the main character of our story bravely mixes the dough into his cup and partakes in his newly invented beverage...unbaked cookie water. Mmmmm.
Onto cleanup time (almost as fun as making cookies). Water, water least the dishes got done, the floor moped, the walls washed, the counters cleaned and the cupboards wiped down. A little more than mom was bargaining for but by now she was in survival mode so a little mopping really didn't make a difference. I'm not even sure she really remembered it.
Time for bed. The cookies are baked and we'll leave the rest of the icing for another day's sugar high. Meshach slept well that night (once his mother got him to bed that is).
The End

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here we are...finally the awaited Meshach pictures! Sorry for all you deprived Meshach fans out there (Jess).
Snack time has become more interesting now. Who knew they made Cheerios snack books. Very fun! Highly recommended...can you help the monkeys juggle?

Singn' in the bath, justa singn' in the bath!


Yup Meshach has learned to give kisses now. Quite cute when he wakes up from his nap and plants a big drooly sloppy kiss right on your mouth and wakes you up.

Monday, February 05, 2007

This past Saturday I found myself hiding behind a feathery mask and wearing a very fun red (and sparkly) dress. And where was I? Would you believe it was at a Church function...and a Mennonite function at that! Oh how I love my new Church! Westwood's young adults group hosted a masquerade ball and it was a fantastic event. As I was perusing through my pictures I realized that I didn't have one of myself or really a whole lot of people I knew for that matter. I guess the one behind the camera never gets documented. Oh well, I don't mind, just wanted to show off my dress is all. So since I can't show mine here are a couple of other fabulously dressed individuals. Enjoy!

Ava and Gord enjoying her, count them, three desserts!

Young adults pastor, Craig, and his wife (sorry I can't remember her name right now) rippn' up the dance floor. Yes, the rest of us got put to shame. It did make for some good pics though, what with all the twirling and all.

So that's the story of my night!