Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meshach at work

This morning found me suddenly remembering that I had a class to teach and no one to babysit, what else was there to do but to put Meshach in his ski pants, boots and bring him along. It wasn't long before he comandeered the focus of every camera in the class. He really should have been a model.
Believe it or not this was not staged. He was piling snow on the posts when he
noticed that three lenses were pointing in his direction he leaned on the post and
flashed his most charming grin.

Pretending that the snow was icy he would "slip" and let out a scream of delight that frightened the dog and sent all cameras in his direction. What an actor!

Funny he didn't sink up to his armpits in this stuff like we did!

Yet another joy...running down the hills. I think he covered twice the distance than the rest of us.
...and lastly, since it was a photography class, here is a shot of a tree. Not nearly as interesting or as adorable as the previous subject (who took up the vast majority of my pictures) but a picture nonetheless.

So there we have it. Everyone is up to date and it was a successful day of picture taking!

Christmas 2008

Merry terribly belated Christmas to all. Here are a few pictures of the little munchkin at Christmas.

To spur creativity in Meshach and cleaning skills in mommy she wisely got him paper, glue, sparkly glue, stickers and markers. He set to work right away making the carpet more visually attractive and from then on learned the use of paper and was under close surveilence.
Apart from sprakles and glue his morning consisted of monster trucks....